

10606044_10203511985653532_450051345930373043_nGetting out into the mountains and into nature is one of the best parts of living in Colorado!  We are so lucky to live so close to some of the best mountains in the world, and be able to go places in the state where very few people are is truly refreshing!1208815_10201161177724803_218548066_n

481987_4126927847072_655211266_nI’m attempting to continue to check off most of the 14ers here in the state off of my list.  So far I’ve hiked 17 of the 14ers here and make it a point to add new ones to my count every year.  They’re always a good day of fitness resiliency, as they require many hours of time and work for your legs and feet, but it’s worth it to see the view from the top!  The most memorable 14er by far has been Longs Peak which I summitted in September of 2016.  My dog Sam has accompanied me on most of them! There are a lot left to go!
