Aside from hiking our Colorado mountains in the Summertime, it’s perhaps maybe even more fun to visit the Rockies in the Winter! Growing up in Trinidad, CO, I didn’t really ski at all, as very few people there ski. Trinidad isn’t really that close to any great ski resorts, so I really wasn’t exposed to it much. During my junior year of high school, a new teacher took some of his classes up to a very small ski resort called Cuchara. It was a resort only open intermittently as it often didn’t get enough snow and business to stay open. I was hooked right when I started, and the next year bought a season pass to the resort. Now that I live in the Denver area, I’ve been able to ski some of fantastic resorts around regularly. I buy a season ski pass every year and love getting up to enjoy the snow! Now if only we could that I-70 traffic to move faster!